Real Skateboard - Since Day One


Video skateboard terbaru produksi Real Skateboard : Since Day One, yang menampilkan  James Hardy, Jake Donnelly, Alex Perelson, Davis Torgerson, Ernie Torres, Nick Dompierre, Keith Hufnagel, Chima Ferguson, Kyle Walker, Antoine Asselin, Justin Brock, JT Autlz, Massimo Cavedoni, Robbie Brockel, Ishod Wair, Max Schaaf, Peter Ramondetta dan Dennis Busenitz.

Melihat dari banyaknya skateboarder dan judul videonya, maka wajarlah kalau durasi video ini cukup panjang, yaitu sekitar 1 jam 11 menit. Namun walaupun berdurasi panjang, video ini tidak membosankan, karena isinya cukup berat dan lumayan padat. Yang mana seluruh tim Real tampil prima dengan trick-trick all out war yang mempesona, lihat saja partnya Peter Ramondetta, kurang apa lagi tuh flip in dan flip outnya.

Secara keseluruhan, video yang diedit oleh Dan Wolfe ini sangat direkomendasikan untuk dinikmati, walaupun dibeberapa scene tampak perbedaan dimensi video, hal ini tidak terasa karena pilihan soundtrack yang oke.

Pada bagian opening, ada klip seorang anak kecil yang mana video ini didedikasikan, yaitu Johnny Romano. Mungkin bagi yang bertanya-tanya siapakah Johnny Romano, saya akan mencoba menjawab ala kadarnya. Johnny Romano adalah seorang skateboarder cilik yang mengidap penyakit leukimia atau kanker darah, yang kebetulan waktu itu bertemu dengan Jim Thiebaud bosnya Real Skateboard.

Saat mereka bertemu, si Jim merasa tersentuh melihat si Johnny Romano, dia tersentuh karena melihat bagaimana seorang skateboarder cilik bisa bermain skateboard tanpa beban akan diagnosis penyakit yang mematikan tersebut. Perasaan si Jim dan perjuangan si Johnny merupakan suatu hal yang memang hidup didunia skateboard, karena skateboard bukan hanya sebatas lifestyle tapi life itu sendiri.

Berikut adalah cuplikan testimoni dari Jim Thiebaud untuk Johnny Romano yang telah mengakhiri perjuangannya tahun 2008 lalu.

I met Johnny and his family about 4 years ago at the Make A Wish Jam in Texas.  It’s an old story but I’m an old guy and tell the same stories over and over again - sorry.

To see a child skating and going for it like he didn’t have a care in the world when in fact he had recently been diagnosed with a life threatening illness just touched me.  Even now I can’t find words to describe how truly amazing it was.  At the time my son was about 6 and Johnny just reminded me of my boy so much and I found myself selfishly thinking  ‘what if that was my kid’ and I just couldn’t imagine ‘what if’.  Speaking with his parents that day at the park - they were incredible.  Strong, supportive, funny and caring people. The Romanos became part of our family.  Not only of REAL’s family but of skateboarding’s collective family.  Johnny came out and stayed with us.  My son Jack stayed with them ( for his first real sleep over faraway  from his home - but I knew it would be ok because the Romanos are that good).  Skateboarding and skateboarders world wide were affected by Johnny’s story but also for his love and passion for skateboarding.

In a testament to how positive skateboarding truly is, skateboarders worldwide came together and showed Johnny and his family love and how much we all care for one of our own.

It makes me proud to say I am a skateboarder.

It makes me feel happy and lucky to have gotten to know Johnny and his family and it is with tears and a broken heart that I have to say good by to him.

He may be gone but he will never be forgotten.

Johnny Romano will truly Roll Forever - not only in my heart but in the heart of skateboarders and skateboarding.

Roll Forever Johnny.

Jim Thiebaud

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1 Response to "Real Skateboard - Since Day One"

  1. Anonim says:

    ada link download nya ga????
    blog ini makin keren klo ada link download tiap video dari server lokal,.... hehe

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